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Last month we covered how to remove harsh toxins from your choice of cleaning products. Now, it’s time to tackle Spring cleaning.
What comes to mind when you think of Spring cleaning? Taking down the drapes, putting away the down comforter, washing the windows? Let’s go a bit further.
1. When was the last time you cleaned out your closet?
Decluttering a closet can make you feel great. Be honest, I’ll bet you have more clothes and shoes than you need. Why not sort through your closets and let go of those outdated styles, shoes you don’t wear anymore or those great outfits or suits you just will never get into again? Raggedy old t-shirts can be turned into reusable cleaning cloths. The rest of the items can be donated or consigned in a variety of ways.
2. Gather those t-shirts and other reusable cleaning tools
Even if you use green cleaning products, disposable tools like paper towels, disposable mops and dusters will diminish your eco-efforts. Instead, try those t-shirts, old terry towels, wool dust mops, microfiber cloths and luffa sponges.
3. Your kitchen might benefit from a Spring spruce up
Most food has a use-by-date. Remove outdated food from the fridge, cupboards and pantry.
If you are wondering about foods that keep for a very long time, before tossing them, check with StillTasty, a shelf life guide. Reorganizing your shelves and drawers is next. After emptying them, use a solution of vinegar and water to clean them. If you like liners, places like Williams of Sonoma and the Container Store are offering eco-friendly options like cork or canvas, for drawers and cupboards.
4. Unclutter your space
Now that you are on a roll, why not unclutter those other areas of your home and office? It is so easy to become complacent about that pile of magazines or the stack of books you’ve been meaning to donate. And we all seem to have that mound of unread junk mail that needs shredding. This is the time of year that Marin County organizations, like Redwood Credit Union hold Shred-A-Thon days for the community. Decluttering and organizing appeals to some but for others of us, a professional organizer might be a good choice.
5. When did you change your air filters?
Our heating and cooling units have filters that need to be changed periodically. If your thermostat doesn’t automatically flash you with updates, an air filter may not be top of mind. This is a great time to change the filters and mark your calendar. Then you can set a reminder, based on your manufacturer’s recommendations. If you have air purifiers to help you manage allergies, or just want to keep dust, pollen or pet dander at a minimum, check the filters to see if they need changing. You might want to check your fire detector batteries.
Taking it on all at once may feel overwhelming, so remember, Spring cleaning can be done in stages. It can also be done by professionals, like our team. Contact us today, to schedule a green cleaning or request more information.