Last month, we explored all the ways to go green.
This month, we want to share with you that we received our certification. Our practices and principles have been green for years, but we decided to make it official. For us, the process proved to be simple. Marin County outlines the steps to take on their website for the Green Business Program. While it is a voluntary program, they expect adherence to their qualifications to receive the designation.
According to the County of Marin Green Business program, the basics for becoming a certified green business in our category are defined this way:
The Green Business Standards presented below define what a business or public agency must achieve to be certified “green.”
Compliance Plus
To be a green business, first bring your operations into compliance with all environmental regulations. Then go beyond compliance to meet the general practices and targeted resource conservation and pollution prevention measures which are summarized below.
General Practices
- Monitor and record rates of water and energy usage and solid and hazardous waste generation.
- Provide three on-going incentives or training opportunities to encourage management and employee participation.
- Inform your customers about your business’ efforts to meet the Green Business Standards.
- Assist at least one other business in learning about the Green Business Program and encourage them to enroll.
Being a certified green business also means being dedicated to all of the following: reducing water use; conserving energy; commuting sustainably; preventing pollution; using non-toxic cleaners, avoiding waste; recycling materials and hiring local vendors.
A green business is good for the environment and we know from experience that our clients demand it. While some individuals suffer from immune deficiencies, allergies, or chemical sensitivities, others simply choose a green life.
The fact that more people are demanding green products is good news.
Companies are tracking environmental impact, not only for the health of their workers and clients, like we do, but for their bottom line and we are supportive of all the reasons a company may go green.
According to Perillon, a company that offers software for environmental management, health and safety, and enterprise risk, the cost of environmental management is going up. They conducted a survey, The State of Green Business 2018: Top Stats & Takeaways.
Their infographic contains interesting insights.
But one section of the report really stood out and gave us hope:
Companies are responding to customer demand for greener products and business models.
“Going green” is no longer seen as a fluffy concept for hippies — it’s a major element of companies’ strategy to reduce environmental risks and opportunities.
In fact, 75% of companies consider consumers as one of the key drivers of risks and opportunities related to carbon emissions from their products and services.
It should come as no surprise, then, that 10% more companies set carbon and water targets in the past five years.
We are proud of our green certification and look forward to the opportunity of mentoring other businesses, to help them adhere to, and surpass, the guidelines provided by the California Green Business Network. Going green can save our planet and save lives. We hope you will join us in spreading the word.
Please feel free to contact us at (415) 519-7404 if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.